360 Leadership Inventory Review


You assess your leadership to save yourself from bad relationships, bad experiences, and bad decisions.


Assessing is huge because it saves you wasted effort. It makes you more effective in everything you’re doing.


Assessing provides a realistic picture of your strengths and weaknesses so that you can find your sweet spot. It allows you to see potential pitfalls and avoid stumbling into them.

Most importantly, assessing reveals blind spots.


• What if you had a habit that was getting in the way of your strengths?


• What if everyone around you knew about it, whispered and grumbled about it, but never brought it to your attention?


What if you had a blind spot in your leadership?

There is. Everybody has them, even the best leaders.


• The best leaders are teachable.


• The best leaders welcome feedback that reveals their blind spots so that they can learn and grow.

How do you get that kind of feedback though?

We do recommend assessing your leadership, which includes letting others give you honest feedback in a constructive context.

Here’s how it can work to get the best overall picture of your strengths and blind spots,:

Be systematic, and have people provide feedback who are at different levels of influence in your life, such as peers, direct reports, and supervisors. Even family members can provide insights that, when combined with your colleagues’ responses, give a clearer overall picture of your strengths and weaknesses.


You get the full picture with the comprehensive Leadership 360 Inventory Review


You’ll see 360 degrees of feedback from your peers, bosses, and even from family and friends.


By inviting others to tell you what they see, you can improve your interactions with them and, best of all, you get to know yourself better.




Mak Consulting Inc.© 2016