• career evaluation

• planning

• one-to-one coaching

• career education

• skill development

• workplace analysis

• re-branding

- everything required to professionally transition.


MAK’s layered learning approach equips clients with the knowledge and skills to take charge of their careers and to proactively manage their transition with the knowledge they have ongoing professional support from MAK’s team of highly skilled executive level coaches, even beyond the limits of their program.


It is always difficult making a decision that an employee must be dismissed. While it is difficult, it is necessary for the well being of the other employees and the company as a whole. Most dismissals are done “without cause”. It is good duediligence to consult your legal counsel and to ensure you are following the current provincial labour laws. Our consultant assists you with planning the dismissal, offering you support with tried and true strategies for a smooth and professional process. The dismissed employee receives immediate support in dealing with the emotional issues involved in losing one’s job and then receives professional support in resume preparation and in job search and career transition, depending upon the length of the program you, the employer, provides.

Benefits of Dismissal Planning & Career Transition Services

For the dismissed employee, this Career Transition service is one of the most supportive things you can do for an employee you have transitioned out.

They receive professional emotional support in a time of crisis. Losing one’s job ranks in the top three major stress situations in life.(1. Death of a loved one 2. Divorce, 3. Loss of a job)

Job search support provides them with every opportunity to get back to work quickly and, in some cases find a more appropriate job opportunity.

Career Transition services provide encouragement to seek job opportunities in areas compatible with existing skills, future goals and interests.

Career Transition process attempts to support the employee through making major changes in career and life. Often a dismissal brings new opportunities and changes.


Dealing with the emotional effects of losing their job


Understanding the Terms of Separation


Financial planning assistance in dealing with a severance package


Resume development


Job search strategy


Job interview preparation


New position negotiations


Support for the

Dismissed Employee

Career Decisions Programs provide management with the opportunity to salvage an employee who might otherwise be dismissed.


• often, within organizations, there can be simple issues that block an employee from

   being productive and being an effective member of a team.


• one to one contact and open communication with the employee and a MAK Coach can

   serve to help management and an employee iron out the issues and move ahead.


• it can be worth “investing” in the employee, considering the current investment already

   made in training and corporate knowledge.


With the high cost of replacing employees, not to mention the difficulty in finding the right employees, this Career Decision program can be a smart executive move before dismissing a problem employee.


Career Decisions Program

Time is spent with each client to become familiar with his/her skills, goals and aptitudes- to help them understand “who they are”. Care is taken to ensure the client makes a career move which will see them in a position, compatible with their skills and workplace values, and not just another job.


Over 80% of the new jobs available in the marketplace are not advertised. Through the MAK Strategic Networking System, clients are provided with the tools necessary for them to discover these hidden jobs and expand their network base at the same time. By taking a proactive and professional approach to the job search, clients are prepared to determine the suitability of new positions they encounter and have the confidence to accept or reject positions which are not compatible with “who they are” and their personal career goals.



For the company, you provide a much needed service to the departing employee.


    Existing employees (the survivors) see the compassion by the way supported the dismissed employee. They tend to feel a sense of relief in knowing that the dismissed employee is looked after and they feel relief in knowing that should they be the one terminated in the future they will be looked after. The company does not just throw anyone out onto the street.


    You receive support with the actual dismissal process. Once the employee has been

    given the dismissal information (a short three minute message), the coach takes over and you are out of the process. It is the coach who deals with the emotional reaction, collects possessions and steers the situation from that point.


    The incidence of wrongful dismissal issue is rare.


    You are seen in a good light in the community by the way you support your

    transitioned employees

The MAK Strategic

Networking System

Career Transition Packages

30 day package

60 day package

90 day package

6 Month Package

The longer the length of package is determined by the position and seniority of the person being dismissed. Top sales or management personnel are often provided with packages of longer duration.

Support for transitioned clients typically is done as a:

Mak Consulting Inc.© 2016